Read and Speak Greek / Multimedia CD-ROM

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Read and Speak Greek / Multimedia CD-ROM

Read and Speak Greek 
by George Balanis PhD, MBA
and Toula Balanis AA
Anotek, Inc.


"I never knew it would be so fun and easy to learn Greek"
If you like having your Greek teacher at home anytime you want, our CDROM Greek course is for you.  Learn the COMPLETE GREEK LANGUAGE with our exciting WINDOWS (WIN98/95 or WIN3.11) multimedia CDROM.  Learn Pronunciation, Reading, Vocabulary (about 3000 words, phrases, and sentences), Grammar and Sentence Generation from an interactive multimedia course that teaches the material taught in all 6 years of Greek school and uses hundreds of full color custom-made pictures, exciting "homework" exercises, male and female human voice pronunciation, phonetics and phonetic rules, multicolor text that shows different parts of verbs and nouns, and illustrated printouts.  Developed by George (PhD, MBA) and Toula (AA) Balanis using pioneering Rapid Language Acquisition Techniques to make learning fast, fun and easy. (Soon CDROMs for English/from Greek, Classical Greek, Bible Greek)
Order READ AND SPEAK GREEK Ver. 3.0 for  $95  ($15 for trial period of 15 days; $80 prepayment for password to unlock use for unlimited period on same computer) and we will include a Greek font for free.  We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER, PERSONAL CHECKS, TRAVELLER CHECKS & MONEY ORDERS.
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Read and Speak Greek Course Description

A unique creative course that teaches the complete Greek language (Pronunciation, Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar and Sentence Generation).  Exciting exercises, color pictures, human voice sound, executive summaries, full-color illustrated printouts,  and multicolor text are used to make Grammar fun to learn and easy to remember.  Hundreds of custom-made color pictures provide visual clarity to Greek words and Greek sentences, and you can click to hear their pronunciation repeatedly. About 300 Lessons including 4500 exercises.  Many dialogs are also provided.  Each lesson (exercises only) averages 15 minutes to complete.  Adults may spend another 15 minutes per lesson to read the Grammar rules.

Level 1 - Emphasis on Pronunciation, Reading and Vocabulary - about 50 lessons.
Alphabet (Teaches the alphabet letters, their names and their sounds)
Letters, Letter Names and their Sounds.
Phonetics (Teaches the basic sounds and how to pronounce letters and letter combinations)
All letter combinations and (a) their pronunciation, (b) their phonetic rules and (c) example words.  Example words are broken into syllables, each syllable can be heard individually and the individual syllable sounds are slowly fused together to make the word pronunciation.
Reading and Vocabulary (Teaches vocabulary, reading, pronunciation and how to relate text to its pronunciation)
There are 46 lessons and each lesson focuses on 12 words (nouns with their articles, verbs, phrases or sentences).  Each word has its color picture, its Greek pronunciation, its Greek text, and its English translation.  Each lesson has 5 exercises.  The exercise score is increased if the  response is correct with the first try.
Exercise 1 tests and teaches sound comprehension.
You click a microphone to hear a lesson word.  You select the corresponding picture from the 12 available pictures.
Exercise 2 tests and teaches sound discrimination.
You click a microphone to hear a lesson word.  You select the corresponding Greek text  from the 12 available texts.
Exercise 3 tests and teaches reading comprehension.
You click the Greek text for a lesson word.  You select the corresponding picture from the 12 available pictures.
Exercise 4 tests and teaches introductory understanding of gender.
You click a lesson word where the article is missing.  You select the appropriate choice from the list of definite/indefinite articles.
Exercise 5 practices handwriting.
You print out the lesson words and their color pictures.  You practice handwriting the words.
Level 2 - Emphasis on the Structure of the Language, Grammar and Sentence Generation -  about 220 lessons.
Accent and punctuation (Teaches the marks of the Greek language)
This section explains the placement of the accent on small and upper case letters, the movement of the accent and the use of separators(diaeresis).  In addition, the remaining marks of the Greek language are noted and their usage is explained.  In this and the remaining sections, Greek sentences have a color picture, an English translation and you can click to hear their sound.
Structure of the Language (Summary of how Greek differs from English)
Thoroughly illustrated explanation of the major differences between Greek and English, such as gender (Greek language has masculine => m., feminine => f. and neuter => n.) for nouns and words related to nouns (adjectives, articles and pronouns) and verb endings (Greek verbs have endings that shows the person that does the verb action).  Many explanatory Greek sentences are provided.  Testing is done with exercises 6 and 7.
 Exercise 6 tests and teaches understanding of Greek Grammar
Each exercise is about 6 sentences that appeared in the related course material.  Each sentence has its picture, its English translation and its Greek text but a key word is missing.  You select the missing word from a list of Greek words.  A correct first-try selection increases the score, completes the sentence and pronounces the sentence.  There are about 170 exercises of this type.
 Exercise 7 tests and teaches Sentence Generation
Each exercise is about 6 sentences that appeared in the related course material.  Each sentence has its picture, its English translation and a palette of scrambled words.  You select palette words to put them on the line in order to make the Greek sentence that has the displayed English translation. Correct generation of the sentence increases the score and pronounces the sentence.  There are about 60 exercises of this type.
Parts of Speech  (Teaches the parts of speech and gives examples of their use in making sentences)
Thoroughly illustrated explanation of each of the Parts of Speech including the verb conjugation and noun declination patterns.  Each part of speech is defined, examples are provided and rules are explained.  Also, many explanatory Greek sentences are given. The sentences have a color picture and you can click to hear their sound.  Testing is done with exercises 6 and 7.
articles * declination of ο (= the/m.), η (= the/f.), το (= the/n.),  ένας (= a/m.), μία (= a/f.), ένα (= a/n.)
* at, in, to together with the definite article (possessive/objective cases) στου/στον, στης/στην, στου/στο
* rules on final ν
nouns noun groupings and declination patterns with examples
* Masculine Singular/Plural Endings (-ας/-ες, -ας/-αδες, -ης/-ες, --ης/-ηδες, -ος/-οι)
* Feminine Singular/Plural Endings(-α/-ες, -α/-αδες, -η/-ες, -η/-εις, -ου/-ουδες
* Neuter Singular/Plural Endings(-ο/-α, -ι/-ια, -ος/-η, -μα/-ματα, -μο/-ματα
* days, months, seasons, names, relatives, professions, numbers
adjectives gender rules, adjective examples and sentences/phrases, declinationpatterns with examples
m./f./n. έξυπνος, έξυπνη, έξυπνο (= smart / m., f., n.)
m./f./n. παχύς, παχιά, παχύ (= fat / m., f., n.)
m./f./n. πεισματάρης, πεισματάρα, πεισματάρικο (= stubborn / m., f., n.)
pronouns personal pronouns and their declination, demonstrative and possessive pronouns, example sentences
conjunctions conjunctions and illustrated sentences
adverbs  adverbs adverbs and illustrated sentences
verbs * voices, moods and tenses (definition, comparison with English and construction)
* conjugation categories, Present Tense, Past Tense, Past Progressive Tense, Future Tense, Future Progressive Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Tense, Future Perfect Tense
* conjugation example verbs: κρύβω (= I hide), αγαπώ (= I love), οδηγώ (= I drive), λέω (= I say), κρύβομαι (= I am hiding), αγαπιέμαι (= I am loved), κοιμούμαι (= I sleep, I am sleeping), λέγομαι (= I am called, my name is), έρχομαι (= I come, I am coming
* focus verbs and illustrated sentences showing use of conjugation είμαι (= I am), ήμουν (= I was), γράφω (= I write), πηγαίνω/πάω (= I go), κάνω (= I do), έχω (= I have), έρχομαι (= I come), βλέπω (= I see), θέλω (= I want)
* list of verbs and illustrated sentences
* summary of conjugation across tenses for selected verbs
prepositions prepositions and illustrated sentences
interjections a couple of interjections
participles adverb and adjective participles and illustrated sentences

  Dialog (Provides examples of Greek dialogs)
Illustrated dialogs between children provide examples of the use of key verbs.  One of the dialogs explains the time.  Each sentence has a color picture and you can click to hear its sound.  Additional dialogs cover every day situations, such as (a) getting a taxi, (b) shopping at the supermarket, (c) visiting the doctor and (d) buying medicines at the drugstore.  Testing is done with exercises 6 and 7.

η αγελάδα (= the cow) το γάλα (= the milk) η θάλασσα (= the sea)
η καρέκλα (= the chair) ο ήλιος (= the sun) η γιαγιά (= the grandmother)
ο παππούς (= the grandfather) η πεταλούδα (= the butterfly) το βιβλίο (= the book)
το τραπέζι (= the table) ο χειμώνας (= the winter) το ψυγείο (= the refrigerator)

η γάτα (= the cat) οι γάτες (= the cats) γελώ (= I laugh)
κλαίω (= I cry) γράφω (= I write) το άλογο (= the horse)
τα άλογα (= the horses) ο σκύλος (= the dog) οι σκύλοι (= the dogs)
ο κόκκινος ήλιος (= the red sun) η κόκκινη καρέκλα (= the red chair) το κόκκινο βιβλίο (= the red book)

A brief history of the evolution of the Greek language is provided below.

1. Ionic Dialect (1100 BCE - 650 BCE)
Used by Homer, Herodotus, Heraclitus and others.
Spoken around the Cyclades islands, Samos and Icaria islands, and Asia Minor with center the cities of Ephesus and Miletus.
2. Doric Dialect (900 BCE - 900 AD)
Used by Archimedes.
Spoken by the Spartans and people in Peloponnesus and Sicily.
3. Attic Dialect (700 BCE - 300 BCE)
Used by Plato, Thucydides, Euripides, Aristophanes, Demosthenes, Aristotle, Isocrates, and others.
Spoken in the Attic peninsula by Athenians and others.
4. Koine Alexandrian Dialect (300 BCE - 700 AD)
Used in writing religious works such as the Bible and works by Plutarch and others.
After the conquests of Alexander the Great, the Greek language  became the international language.  This language version was based  primarily on the Attic dialect and unified all the other dialects.  It is called Koine, which in Greek means common, to show that it is the language spoken by all people.
5. Modern Greek Language (200 BCE - today)
It is based on Koine and has evolved into the language spoken today in Greece.
The Modern Greek pronunciation is based on the pronunciation of Koine and is used in many places where Koine, or Classical Greek, text is pronounced.  For example, all religious services pronounce Greek text with the Modern Greek pronunciation.  Classical Greek is pronounced using either the Modern Greek pronunciation or the Erasmian pronunciation.  In particular, schools in the United States use the Erasmian pronunciation.

Revised: 5 October 2000
Copyright © 1996 Anotek, Inc.